Set it up to go into closed loop operation as soon as possible even after a cold start (i'm down to 15 sec using same afr as hot)
Stay in closed loop up to 90kpa,
Be very aggressive with over run fuel cut (i'm down to 1200rpm after 0.5 sec of throttle close)
Don't waste your time trying to lean out the mixture beyond about 15afr on an otherwise stock engine
Make the intake and exhaust as free flowing as possible
Reduce idle speed as low as possible when HOT in with closed loop WBO2 operation,
Use MegaLogViewer to record how the engine reacts to extreme load changes (on/off throttle, gear shifts etc). Try to reduce the amount of time that your AFR shoots off to extremes during these load changes.
Make sure you have a very stable voltage, RPM, CLT and MAT and TPS signals. Noise in any of these signals will cause unstable AFR and hence increased fuel consumptions along with other tuning problems. Again MLV is your friend here.
Sounds like you already have plenty of experience with MS1 so none of this is new to you. I have 2 Mercedes running MS1 and MS2.