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Old 11-14-2011, 10:34 AM   #181 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
I guess you missed this part (emphasis added):

In our Maximum Endurance Test an engine is run at full speed and left to run indefinitely until the oil is compromised and the engine fails using 13,650 litres of fuel, 4 sets of tyres, but only 1 oil**.

And the part where the engine failed after only 148 hours of run time.

The reason it used so much fuel is because they were running at very high power levels, so you can't extrapolate that to how far you could drive your engine.
Read the text again and analyze it carefully. You think 148 hours is something ONLY, at top speed men, this is extreme.

I mean this test is done by the oil company for promotion but think about the things they wont tell you. Read between the lines. Anything else apart from oil could have gone wrong to destroy the engine. There are hidden things that you have to think about.