Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I've never registered a boat but IIRC even canoes here need registration.
Yup, probably doomed thread, didn't give it enough consideration before posting, sorry.
I don't see why the thread is necessarily doomed. Actually it is one of those infrequent moments where Frank and I are in total agreement.
Whether we call something a 'tax' or a 'fee' or a 'surcharge' or 'rent' is just a matter of semantics. By changing the term, those who are in power hope we won't mind it as much. It was once said that the art of taxation is being able to pluck the geese in a way that it causes the least amount of squawking.
To those of you who contend that this is the cost of "civilization", that is the well worn rationalization which lawyers and politicians use to defend an ever expanding government. When the tax burden (along with increased restriction and regulation) becomes too onerous, the governance is no longer that of the will of the people; it is being done
at the expense of the governed to
support those who are governing.