I'm a beginner as well, but here's my $0.02.
I think you ALWAYS have to balance eco-driving with safety. If your driving is decreasing your safety or those around you, I'd say it's better to compromise a bit with those 'going with the flow'. Doesn't mean you have to go 65 in your 50mph area, but go a speed that isn't causing a dangerous situation.I don't want to cause drivers around me to drive aggressively and dangerously. Especially if they're tailgating me, that puts me at danger if I have to suddenly brake because of a deer or whatever. It certainly depends on the situation.
ex- If there's only 1 lane of traffic and I'm coming to a stop sign with cars behind me I'm not going to coast all the way to the stop sign. This is likely to infuriate others and cause them to drive aggressively around me. Instead I will gradually apply my brakes to come to a controlled stop. But if there are no cars behind me I'll REALLY take my time and coast to the stop sign.
One great way to let ppl know what you're doing is put an ecomodder bumper sticker on your car, or otherwise make it clear you are driving for efficiency. Some people on this site use detachable magnetic numbers/letters to communicate this.
Sounds like many of your streets are stressful. Any way to take an alternative route that is less stressful and filled with fewer idiots? Same with driving at a different time of day? Hope this helps some.