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Old 11-20-2011, 04:40 PM   #22 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: KY
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Alright, no one closed my thread so let's necro it. Thank you, incidentally, to all the amazing users on here: the time and effort the users put into this site have always seriously impressed me.

I still have the van (not to mention my login info). I can't bring myself to sell it - too much faulty "customization" anyway (did you know splicing starter wires together with electrical tape lasts you about a year?). Here's the short story:

High-top conversion van (7'7"). 305 V8 TBI with 3-speed automatic. 9/13 (EPA is 13/15), my record for a tank was 15.6 (all night through Missouri). Here's an emissions report (lol):

HC GPM (gallons per minute?) = 5.78, Limit = 3.5 (Unburned fuel)
CO GPM = 71.5, Limit = 30 (Air/fuel mixture too rich)
CO2 GPM = 527, Limit = None
NOx GPM = 1.4, Limit = 5.5 (High temperatures)

A replacement van on my budget is 18mpg, so 20 with my driving style. Surely for that kind of money I can do better. Within the next 6 months I'll be putting together a budget (~$5000) and strategy for tripling my gas mileage while still using this thing to move.
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