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Old 11-20-2011, 11:02 PM   #42 (permalink)
mostly harmless
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Central AR
Posts: 77

Herman - '06 Chevrolet HHR 2LT
90 day: 28.89 mpg (US)
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The kicker is, you can't drive any faster (in mph) than your fuel economy (in mpg). If you do, you're a DNF and score zero for the day
That's a nifty twist on time rallies and bicycle prediction rides. Cool.

How about something more distributed? Say... a core race of folks who are willing and able to run it from start to end, and the checkpoints would be events in and of themselves, organized by local volunteers. That way, folks could come in and make a day or weekend of it without diving headfirst into the big enchilada, and the racers will get lots of local exposure along with 'em. Challenges would be as diverse as the people and terrain will allow, from hilly San Francisco to the flats, and even mountain courses.

Scoring, like with many bicycle races, will allow for winners in several categories, from fastest overall (times would be logged on departure/arrival), best economy, overall points (earned in local challenges), etc.
If you're wanting to make the challenge as visible as possible, I think the extra exposure gained by making the event accessible to the checkpoint locals would be a huge win.
Also, there are organizers who would be very pleased to bring in entertainers, and car show/swap folks. Mix in some of these specialty cars with the normal car show fare, and I'm pretty sure some gearheads might start liking what they see in person.

I think the "main" race could be kept pretty simple, while allowing local talent to pull the load at the checkpoints, making it interesting in their own ways.
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