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Old 11-21-2011, 04:10 AM   #10 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Svietlana II - '13 Peugeot 308SW e-HDI 6sp
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I found some more info on European emssions standards. It turns out that each norm actually has two sets of limits: The amount that a newly produced car can emit (Homologation Emissions Limit HEL) and the amount that the car can emit once in normal operation (Operational Emissions Limit OEL).
The following table shows HEL/OEL in grams per kilometer:

EURO 3 petrol---0.2/0.40.15/0.6---/---2.3/3.2---/---
EURO 4 petrol---0.1/0.40.08/0.6---/---1.0/3.2---/---
EURO 5 petrol0.068/0.250.1/---0.06/0.3---/---1.0/1.90.005/0.05
EURO 5 petrol from 20130.068/0.250.1/---0.06/0.3---/---1.0/1.90.0045/0.05*
EURO 3 diesel------/---0.5/1.20.56/---0.64/---0.05/0.18
EURO 4 diesel------/---0.25/1.20.3/---0.5/---0.025/0.18
EURO 5 diesel---/0.32---/---0.18/0.540.23/---0.5/1.90.005/0.05
EURO 5 diesel from 2013---/0.32---/---0.18/0.540.23/---0.5/1.90.0045/0.05
*) Petrol engines with direct fuel injection and part- or full-time lean burn

Legend: NMHC - Non-Methene Hydrocarbons
THC - Total Hydrocarbons
NOx - Nitrogen Oxides
CO - Carbon Monoxide
PM - Particulate Matter

Notice that EURO 3 and EURO 4 differ only in HEL, both have the same OEL. In other words, a EURO 4 vehicle may be just as dirty as a EURO 3, but the EURO 3 will have more restrictions in Germany's Umweltzones, for example.

The new EURO 6 standard, which will go into effect in September 2013 (type approval)/2014 (first registration) is still being revised, but two new limits for diesels are already known: NOx will be reduced from 180 to 80 g/km, and THC+NOx from 230 to 170 g/km.
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