Originally Posted by Patrick
I thought some of these were in the EU.
They are, but if they default it doesn't mean the UK, Germany or France will.
The issue is the exposure of German and French banks to the debts of Spain, Greece, Portugal etc. What those countries should be allowed to do is to leave the euro, default, devalue and recover.
But if they do German banks would probably survive ok. French ones would need government support to prevent them failing, which would then put the French AAA rating at risk and push up their borrowing rates - tipping them towards the edge.
Once the French (or Italians) go the Euro fails and Germany knows this, but they also need/want UK money to prevent this happening which UK politicians know the voters here don't want to send - why should we pay more taxes so that Greeks can continue to avoid paying theirs, or so that Spain can build more brand new, empty motorways whilst ours are crumbling and over capacity, or so that they can continue to pay public sector workers for 13 months a year and we are laying them off.
Originally Posted by Patrick
Yeah, I saw a video of a guy who couldn't wait to get his "dole" check so he could buy some drugs and shoot up. That's all he did.
They don't even need to do that. They just go to the chemist with their NHS supplied prescription and get a dose of Methodone instead for free.
Unfortunately when we closed a lot of manufacturing in the 80s the then government (Thatcher just in case you thought she was good) wanted people off the unemployment stats, so they encouraged a lot of them to take up sickness benefits. And their kids got into the same habits and have never worked.
Why bother if you can get housing and food paid for, leaving the surplus for satelite TV, XBOXs, booze and fags.
At the same time I've only ever claimed a benefit for 2 weeks when I was genuinely unemployed, paid tax and worked all my like other than that since leaving education and am now faced with paying for my son to have private education because his state provided one is inadequate.
And uk.gov still want me to pay for Greece. Two words, the second one is "off".