Originally Posted by slowmover
Fully 64% of Americans cannot come up with cash for a $1000 emergency.
But I think you'll have to admit that a lot of that is a result of choices they've made, basically to spend every cent of each paycheck they got as it was earned, and put more stuff on the credit cards.
Home ownership will always be more expensive than renting.
Why would you think that? My experience as been just the opposite: I spend less on mortgage, taxes, & insurance on my place - which though not a McMansion, sits on an acre in a fairly upscale area - than I would to rent a good 2-bedroom apartment. If we're looking at like-kind property, the landlord who rents it to you has to pay the same mortgage, taxes, & insurance (and insurance is probably higher) as an owner-occupied house, plus he has to be making some profit somewhere.