It's important to remember that the hybrid battery is meant to assist the engine and not mean as the sole propulsion for the vehicle except to move out of the garage or to a nearby parking spot. The Atkinson cycle engine in most hybrids is very efficient but lacks power. This is where the battery and motors come in to play. They boost performance and drivability.
The HV battery is mainly charged by the engine which is fueled with gasoline so if you are using the HV battery exclusively you are actually less efficient than running one engine power. The laws of thermodynamics are unforgiving. So don't try driving around in EV mode or your mpg will drop.
As for pollution, the OP needs to do more research on how hybrids work. They are not meant to be driven in EV mode for extended periods nor will they pollute as much as non- hybrids in the same class (generally speaking). You simply will not find a more fuel efficient clean burning vehicle in North America than the Prius.