the difference
so after the debacle a couple months ago, where I had just gotten so damn frustrated with my mileage, I did as several suggested and took a break.
and now I can show a definitive difference between trying and REALLY trying, to hypermile, as well as the difference with my car of all city vs hwy/city mixed
last tank avg using solid HM techniques:
31.38 mpg (US)
previous 3 tanks avg with light HM techniques:
26.67 mpg (US)
granted, the local temps have dropped around 15*+/- for an avg:
(low 70-mid 80 vs previous temps of mid 90-100+)
but I dont believe that had much of an effect after looking at my last tanks avg with the same varying temps.
anyways, with an almost 5mpg better for this one tank, shows a HUGE improvement using more solid HM techniques (EOC, coasting, short shifts (under 2.5k), timing lights, drafting)