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Old 11-30-2011, 06:35 AM   #15 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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05 DMax - '05 Chevrolet 2500HD
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The messy and not real good for the enviroment answer is to pull the hose and put a filter end on it. Most race shops have them. Looks like a pod filter but onlt abouy an inch or so in diameter.

The better way is to route it to a small catch can then to the mini pod. This keeps the oil from dripping all over.

I guess you could put a few screens in the catch can and route the now dry vapors to the intake for emission reasons ?
Most diesel heads are anal about clean air to prevent turbo pitting yet will send droplets of oil into it ? Never really understood that.

I can't understand why my MPG's are so low..........
21,000lb, 41' Toy Haulers are rough on FE!
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