The Camaro does apply, in principle.
If you take the chin spoiler alone, then generally lower is better. (See pic of Camaro above) Mine is 2" off the pavement and rubs everywhere. It is wide enough that it does the job of front tire spats as well. It made a large difference for me. I used the lawn edging as shown previously. It lasts about one year if you are rubbing constantly and is much more durable (because it will spring back when bent) than the Aluminum Sandwich.
Get the lawn edging and screw it in and see what happens, cut it down a bit and see how your mpg or coast distance changes, don't overthink this and don't worry about what people think as you expierement. Once you have a result you like, you will be able to live with the look. Everyone that asks me about my rear wheel skirts, I tell them that I think it looks goofy and I don't like the look, they then have a puzzled look, then I tell them it adds 3mpg and they begin to understand...