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Old 12-03-2011, 11:02 PM   #245 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
I see what you mean. I bet that Hayes motorcycle diesel would move that thing along adequately... perhaps better than it is now.
That engine would not work better if you cant get it.
Latest news is that the company has stopped producing/developing this motorcycle, which would explain why their website does not work but this is getting off topic.

The thing that I find most interesting about max and also relates to this thread is max has no roof yet can get such high mpg. Much discussion has been done about how the shape of the roof and especially the rear window area of a vw bug is bad aerodynamically. Is not having a roof better then one that is not aerodynamically correct or is max streamlined so well every where else that it makes up for not having a roof?
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