Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave
I'm not interested in making up any stories to get out of a ticket. I have a very high regard for law officers and I also believe in being honest. What I am saying is, based on my current understanding, I did not break the law.
Uhh... I just re-read my post... It sounded kinda bad... haha
Yeah, I didn't mean to make up a story. In my case I never did. I just told him the story and with-held other info... Like the fact the cop seized my wallet because he saw 2 state licences. I withheld irrelevant info... info that courts don't need to hear.
That is what I learned to do from my special friend.
What is the ticket actually for? does it say exactly?
if its a defined law, and the cop messed up... I would say that would not hold up very well in court.