Originally Posted by joejoe317
Uhh... I just re-read my post... It sounded kinda bad... haha
Yeah, I didn't mean to make up a story. In my case I never did. I just told him the story and with-held other info... Like the fact the cop seized my wallet because he saw 2 state licences. I withheld irrelevant info... info that courts don't need to hear.
That is what I learned to do from my special friend. .
Wouldn't that go against, "...to tell the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" part?
Originally Posted by joejoe317
What is the ticket actually for? does it say exactly?
if its a defined law, and the cop messed up... I would say that would not hold up very well in court.
The ticket says it's for violation of 9-21-8-24(1) (which I quoted earlier).