Not sure how relavant it is, but I did find some traffic data from the Indiana DOT. It lists average number of vehicles per day. The highway I was on there's an average of 9,400 vehicles per day, which works out to be an average of 6.5 vehicles/minute. Compare that the the nearby interstae, which runs almost parallel. It has 63,350 vehicles per day (44 per minute). Both the interstate and the highway are the same size (4-lane divided).
For the time of the incident (6pm) in the direction I was travelling the average is 5 vehicles/minute on average.
Again, I'm not sure hoe relavant it would be in court, but that gives you all some idea of what Iwe're talking about in terms of traffic load.
Diesel Dave
My version of energy storage is called "momentum".
My version of regenerative braking is called "bump starting".
1 Year Avg (Every Mile Traveled) = 47.8 mpg
BEST TANK: 2,009.6 mi on 35 gal (57.42 mpg):
Last edited by Diesel_Dave; 12-09-2011 at 02:26 PM..