Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave
I have a very high regard for law officers and I also believe in being honest.
The latter is good, the former maybe not so much. But then perhaps I've been pulled over by sniveling power freak jerks in uniform too many times. I once got a ticket from a cop who had passed me illegally on the right, running into my car in the process, so that he would not have to pay for the damage he did to my car. Nope, sorry, I have no expectation of competency from any local law enforcement officer. State cops I tend to assume are professionals; locals, less so. Far, far less.
That said, I don't think this cop was one of those. My take: he pulled you over for legitimate reasons. He tested you for the effects of drugs or alcolhol for legitimate reasons. He observed you operating your vehicle erratically. Although you were not impaired, you admitted operating the vehicle 'erratically' in the course of the discussion with the officer.
You coasted down to 10mph on a 60mph road, at night, engine off. You got caught doing it.
Speaking of which, if you go to court, don't tell them you were operating the vehicle with the engine off! That's against the law too in most places.
Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
Since the officer saw other traffic forced to take evasive action, Dave's toast (IMHO). 45 mph is reasonable in a 60 mph zone. 28 isn't, and 'nearly stopped' isn't going to be reasonable to the judge.
I think that pretty much captures it.
As to the amount of the fine: if it's anything like the speeding ticket my wife just got, most of the total is tack-ons like processing fees, court fees, blah blah blah. Even if they reduce the fine you'll still owe all that stuff. I'd consider fighting it if the points are going to cause you woe, otherwise I'd just 'rub my neck and write 'em a check.'