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Old 12-11-2011, 05:57 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Some good information here, but some beating the dead horse as well.

I would love to see some of your personal stats, if you would share them, about what your base empty PU mpg. empty is for long freeway cruise, with added, lets say a bumper style pull 28-32ish foot travel trailer at the same cruising situation, and your tricks to keep those 2 figures closer to together than apart.

I know different trucks are different, but in theory, what would be a good rear end diff. ratio for that 50mph long living. I have a '85 Suburban w 6.2, w the 700R 4 spd. auto. It has 3,70's, or 3.73 ish. Though a K model, it has manual hubs, and only 31's for tires so it sits almost 2wl drive low.
Alone, mid 20's-30mpg. is still possible.

Would BF Goodrich Mud/All Terrain tires change my mpg. like falling off a cliff, or not; up to 33's much difference in all at 50mph or less cruise life?

Would greatly appreciate some input.

I liked the sharing of the CRX towing example as a clue to seeing real life results.
That is the pertient info example that would help, though I do cringe at the thought of MY CRX having to tow anything.

For us mpg. people, and the general future of smaller, lighter cars in the future, do any of you think that the 1 tired cargo trailer might make a comeback???
I remember as a kid watching my Dad pull one on one of our vacations.

Obviously, design is SO important here, generally the motorcycle/bicycle people probably have much more proper application experience here.

Your thoughts, please!!
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