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Old 05-21-2008, 10:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Education to reduce our oil dependence

I'm starting to think that education is more of a key to breaking our oil dependence then any other factor. The car manufactures deserve some blame but we are creating most of our own problems. I've rented 2 late model cars lately that had 6 speed transmissions and paddle shifter for the manual transmissions and with no mods was 25+ over EPA. This was accomplished mainly by driving the posted speed limit. I think instrumentations and engine idle cutoff would boost FE by another 15%.

This website is a good example of what's possible if people become educated. It should be required that Drivers Ed taught eco-driving 101 and that insurance companies would give breaks to drivers that accomplished a eco-driving course annually or biannually. PSA(public service announcements) on traffic flow procedures etc. I think it to easy to blame the auto maker and big oil but or biggest enemy is ourselves. Even with alternative energy sources the ability to get more out of what you drive is key. There is no free lunch.

"Judge a person by their questions rather than their answers."

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