Photos! sorry for the low quality, my cell phone camera isn't the best after 4 years of being in my pocket and getting stepped on a few times.
Here is the battery box, it's almost done other then two steel plate tabs that go on the top, center, that bolt to the frame, up under the gas tank, these two plates will be 3.5" apart and give space for battery cables to come up from the lower batteries, they are next on the list of things to weld.
Here is how the motor looks in the battery box, almost enough space under the motor for the speed controller but not quite... might put the DC to DC converter under there or just a spot for storage? not sure yet.
Here is a photo of the test fit of the adapter shaft that I designed fitted in to a 1978 Honda Goldwing... Nothing else from my motorcycle design swapped over other then the shaft but the shaft is also the hardest part in my mind to make.