It is possible that it is the car and not you. If you air up the tires, you can always let some out if you find the car is not handling well when you actually get snow. Depending on the tires, RR may be quite high. Do you have a GPS to check that your odo is reading accurate. If your snow tires are larger than stock, you may be doing better than your odo is showing. Have you checked your brakes and wheel alignment? Both can affect mileage if they are causing drag and may show up more at higher speeds. Is the engine possibly in need of a tune up? Do you have a block heater? it may not make a lot of difference since your drive is fairly long, but it get's cold enough there to be worth your while IMO. If you have a digital temp gauge,(one on the dash is not good enough) I would suggest that you shroud in your engine as much as possible. I've found that I need very little air flow to keep my engine cool below freezing. A simple front belly pan will help keep your engine warmer and help reduce air drag on the highway as well. My mileage is always terrible in the winter (lots of short trips) so I know it can be frustrating. Keep at it, you'll get it figured out eventually.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km