Originally Posted by 320touring
I really need some advice on fitting the pan though..
- What is the best NON INVASIVE method of attachment?
- Do I attach it so it falls off if struck (to minimise damage?)
- Any special advice regarding where the pan will meet the downpipe?
Get as invasive as you need to. Don't *****foot around about it. Things WILL strike the pan, and you don't want it coming off. Engineering a break away pan would take a lot of effort and expertise, and in my opinion, ill-advised. It would cause more damage to other parts of the car if it comes loose or partially loose.
Again, my opinion, but don't worry about drilling holes in your car. Drill a hole where you need it, and shoot some Rustoleum on it. Use stainless steel hardware. It'll be fine.
See my Vibe thread. I just had some experience with belly panel damage.