Doyour Cd's scratch/skip?
Now that we are into winter mode, and the cold has made every bump worse, not even to mention old hard snow/ice impactions; plus additional psi in tires as well; do any of you have this problem?
I wouldn't even try to play a CD in my K-Suburban, as it scratched one of my favorite $13.00 recent purchase.
I'm considering extensions to the wiring so the whole unit could be cushioned on the bench seat. Is there an easier answer?
Even my CRX seems to do it sometimes, and I feel like the road quality is pretty silky here!
Thank goodness I've learned to burn my own 35cent ones.
Do those $20.00 scratch, and clean remover machines actually work well?
Do you hard core 4wheelers rock crawling give up on music?
Is anything Baja proof?