Originally Posted by madmike8
Is there a setup information page for the revolt controller? Something that tells what settings can be adjusted, and how? Is there a way to set a motor voltage limit? So, if I ran 120v worth of batteries, can I set the motor to see like a 80v max limit?
With the current control board there is no way to control motor output voltage directly. I think there is a way to limit the pwm output but tricking the controller, but I cannot remember how off the top of my head. I will look into it tonight.
The new control board im developing, called
The Uprising, will be able to directly control motor voltage and compensate for sag. This way, if you wanted 100V max and had a 120V pack, heavy acceleration could cause a sag under 100v so the controller would then give 100% duty instead of just limiting duty to 83% duty. When the system recovers, and the sag decreases, the controller will start limiting duty to maintain 100V max at the motor.