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Old 12-23-2011, 02:31 AM   #5350 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Turn off is perfect, but turn ON has a bit of ringing, so I tried one driver per mosfet, and that was no help, so I reduced the gate resistor value to 5 Ohms, and that didn't help either. I don't know why that would help, but whatever. haha. So, I ordered some mica capacitors whose job is to smooth out very high frequencies. The ringing is at 25 MHz. We'll see what happens. But overall, every concern I had has been dealt with. I think it's actually going to work. Hurray! And it's easier to assemble.

EDIT: I actually just didn't know how to use my stupid oscilloscope. The lower gate resistors basically eliminated the ringing. Hurray! This is actually going to work! I don't THINK it's going to work! hahaha. Ben, as soon as I get it all spick and span, just you try and blow this sucker up. Hmm... is the other controller having any cold temperature issues?

I took it apart and reassembled the control board adn driver board like 4 times now to test different things to eliminate the ringing, so I might need a new driver board, but maybe not. There are a few little details that could change, but nothing major! I guess 5th times the charm.
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 12-23-2011 at 03:40 AM..
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