Thread: $105 oil
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:02 PM   #110 (permalink)
NES Collector
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Location: Millbury, MA
Posts: 94

Tom Baker - '03 Toyota Echo
90 day: 44.53 mpg (US)

Big Blue - '03 Dodge Caravan 2WD
90 day: 20.85 mpg (US)
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I just wanted to add, I think - LostCause has the right idea about what is going on with oil. (Not to scare everyone) But I think this is just the beginning. Remember the economy of the 90's the big thing to buy was internet stocks. Then that went bust. The economy then wondered around looking for the next big thing... Untill it found housing! Then they found all kinds of ways to keep that bubble going. Then that went bust. Now it seems that the new big thing to drive prices up on is oil. I fear this is only the beginning and that oil will be at 200/bbl by the end of the year. Although I don't think that this will last more that 18 months. The home heating oil is what will kill this (and us). This comming winter people will have a choice. Heat my home or pay the mortgage. I think they will pay the oil bill and worry about the mortgage later. Think the number of foreclosures is bad now, wait untill after people are paying 5000 - 6000 to heat there homes! Hunker down People were in for a really bad ride.
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