Aerolid, new truck and trailering
Hey all,
I just came across this web site last night. I'm really enjoying all of the design ideas, and the fact that people are this interested in better fuel economy. Thanks to everybody for their contributions.
I'm in the market for a new truck, and I'm trying to determine how to get better mileage. I'm also trying to make a decision on gas vs.diesel. It seems like manufacturers numbers are going up on gas trucks, and with the cost of diesel fuel going up, it might make sense to go with gas. I'd also like to start running biodiesel to help with the environment. I commute about 60 miles a day for work, and drive from California to Idaho 2-3 time a year for vacation. Some aero mods would save me a lot of money.
I'm definitely interested in an Aerolid when they're on the market, and I'll keep my eye out for one here. It's funny because I was talking to a service manager at the local GMC dealer, and he was talking about the benefits of wheel covers and front air dams on big rigs, and I was talking about making wheel housing skirts like they had in the late 60's. It's nice to know that it actually makes sense.
One thing I read, and I think it was written by Aerohead ,was that by trailering an aero designed trailer it would benefit the fuel economy of the truck.. I've read here that having a squared off end to the truck with a regular camper shell is definitely worse for Cd. If I were to tow an Airstream trailer with the rounded front, behind a truck with a camper shell, how close to the back of the truck would the trailer have to be in order to benefit the Cd? Would it create a bubble of air like what is known for in an open truck bed? I think I'd also need to change the design of the back of the trailer to a tapered off design.
Once I get the truck, I'll post some pics, and start posting my mileage logs