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Old 12-26-2011, 05:54 PM   #5 (permalink)
I have to start over?
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 214

Big inefficient truck - '94 Dodge Ram 2500
90 day: 12.1 mpg (US)

Honda Civic - '84 Honda Civic DX Hatchback
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A lot less wear comes from bump starting the car (done properly) than from starting from a stop. As others have said, clutch in, 3rd or 4th, clutch out (completely) and clutch back in. The power required to do that is much much less than the power required to start the car rolling.

If you're worried about the synchros, take it easy when putting it back in gear (not jamming the shifter)

The engine and transmission aren't worn any more than normal driving as long as you aren't beating on them. Do you ever engine brake? As far as the engine mounts and transmission are concerned, that's the same thing.

Usually when I EOC, I "boot up" or turn the key back on as soon as the engine has stopped. That way I'll be able to restart just a tad quicker without having to key on while bump starting.

As far as the power steering issue, doesn't the 07 model have electric power steering? If not, the p/s would come back as soon as the engine was running again. You might be able to solve this problem by using an engine kill switch instead of keying off. A kill switch shuts off the fuel injectors (by cutting the power feed) while actually turning off the key would deactivate the power steering pump motor. If a kill switch turns out to allow the power steering pump to continue operating with the engine off, you have just overcome one of the biggest "safety problems" so belabored by these armchair engineers who apparently can't use their arms properly.

As far as not having power steering assist, I had a jeep pickup with p/s and I took off the belt to the pump and just drove it without assist. In a newer car that has "sporty" steering, the effort required may simply be too high for your driving comfort.

Just my thoughts.
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