Ok, so I just made the grim realization that my city mpg is about to overtake my highway mpg...I get 33mpg city and 36 highway these days....so I think I have the city FE driving down, now I need to work on the highway stuff. I'm going on a ~250 mile trip tomorrow and then another similarly distanced trip right after that and then another from there (going to be gone for the next week and a half, hopefully with internet still to check here while I'm gone).
How can I improve my highway FE? Basically all I have been doing lately is just setting the cruise control to 100km/h and just parking in the left lane with the windows up. I know cruise control isn't the best option so I'm going to make an attempt to keep my foot steady this trip and maintain throttle position rather then speed and see how it works. Also, if weather and traffic permit, I'm going to be trying some drafting/EOCing to see if that helps.
Any other tips you fellows can offer?