We've had traffic lights with radar detectors on them here for years. Time was when I approached some traffic lights at road works there was a 50:50 chance of hitting them at green. Now it seems as though 90% of the time they are Red ... progress! I expect that the workmen setting up the lights have no clue, or can't be bothered, to set the Radar detector bits correctly - or they are just plain useless. Concept seems fine to me though - hold Red at both ends and offer Green to the first end that has traffic approaching.
We also have a roundabout near here with traffic lights on it (never understood the point of that ...). The lights still run at 1am even when traffic is negligible, and a right-turn will mean 2 sets of red lights; gross waste of fuel, and time. On the continent (now sure which countries, but "more than one") they have flashing Red / Amber lights for Must-Stop & Give-Way-with-caution on our-of-hours traffic lights. I'd like that in the UK too please.