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Old 12-28-2011, 01:59 PM   #11 (permalink)
Ken Fry
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Originally Posted by COcyclist View Post
I just feel there may be some gains to be had at the front too. For many of us, a full boattail presents visibility, added length and parking problems. Should we as Ecomodders, do more work on the front before concluding that it is boattail or nothing?
It's worth considering. The fronts of many cars are "pretty good" already, because a front that is good for aero purposes can also be good for styling (e.g., faired-in headlights). So there are (for many cars) opportunities for wake reduction that can be considered low-hanging fruit (rear fender skirts being an obvious one). Closing in the underside is another low-hanging fruit.

Some front gains are expensive to achieve -- raking the windshield being a good example. Others require removal rather than addition of material, which can be hard work (the removal may be easy, but the re-enclosing in nice smooth bodywork can be hard).

At both ends what looks right is not always, in fact, lower drag.

But your basic contention is correct, I think, we should look at the whole car: there are opportunities everywhere.

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COcyclist (12-29-2011), jime57 (01-22-2012), landsailor (12-29-2011)