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Old 05-22-2008, 11:20 AM   #3 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Putsaround - '96 Toyota Camry LE
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The Commuter - '07 Trek 1000SL
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Zippy - '91 Honda Civic DX
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3 car lengths behind a semi is...(whips out mental calculator)...roughly 45 that puts me, still, well within the range in which a significant aerodynamic advantage will be noticed...sweet. According to mythbusters the aerodynamic drag begins to reduce at 100 ft and only gets better the closer you get, up until about 10 ft where you are having to modulate the pedal so much that your using more gas just trying to maintain distance which negates the effects and makes no closer then like...I think it was 30 ft, effective.
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