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Old 01-01-2012, 08:15 AM   #16 (permalink)
Stick your neck out...
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This looks like a good project and a reasonable challenge, but looking at your previous work (Gray), I'm sure you will meet your objectives.
It seems to me that the "Vetter Conditions" goal is a moving target. The competitor results are improving as we each learn from one another about how best to meet the challenge. One point that I picked up from Craig's site, was his question about how much horsepower is optimum. The VT500 surely has more than ample horsepower for this task, and that will limit your ultimate FE ability.
With many others turning to smaller (250) motors, what made you choose this route?
Do you have other aims or have you seen something we may have missed?
That's not mean't to be critical, just inquisitve.

I'll follow this build thread closely, and wish you success
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