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Old 01-02-2012, 06:42 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Arragonis View Post
This has gone quiet, probably because of people going back to work or maybe I'm being argumentative again. I'm not trying to but its hard.

Two points and I'll leave it.

In the UK we have had a number of makers of 3 wheeler cars - Morgan (and others) pre-war, Bond and Reliant post war. We even had this mad seventies-tasitc machine :

You have convinced me to give up on building my own 3 wheeler car, and just buy a mini.

I used to think I could get better aerodynamics with a single rear wheel, but you have convinced me.

I used to think 3 tires was lighter then 4, and 3 suspension points lighter then 4.

Further, I used to think I could put a rollcage in my 3 wheeler. Silly me.

Further, I believe all aircraft should be outlawed for the safety of the public - I have not seen an airplane with 4 tires on the ground - they obviously all use 3 in order to be unsafe.

Your assistance is much appreciated, and we all need to remember to be good little sheeple and follow the lead of our socialist friends.
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