Originally Posted by CigaR007
Thing is, transportation is so inefficient in the USA, just like it is in Canada. I look forward to the day where bullet trains will be common here in North America. I was in Europe back in 2008, and I was impressed by the vast rail infrastructure. Fuel costs are higher there, but the alternative transportation is faster and cheaper. Nothing like cruising at 300 km/h while reading a book and enjoying the scenery !
just don't confuse Mainland Europe with the UK
Been waiting on a "high speed" rail network since before I was born..
also, over here, public transport is not that cheap..
The buses are ok price wise but
A-dont run on time/follow a sensible route (1hr to do 9 miles here)
B-Are severely restricted if crossing county borders (3 changes to do 25 miles to my work-making the commute circa 1/2 the length of the working day)
Trains are even more restrictive, and VERY VERY expensive if taking a short notice, long distance journey- I've citied the £118 to take 3 in the car vs £114 EACH i experienced on a trip to nottingham
Dont get me wrong, I ofteen use bus/train, esp when heading into town as les parking issues /have a beer with lunch etc
just dont fall for the old "grass is greener"