Originally Posted by slowmover
The FE improvement will not offset the lack of lube being spread through the A/C system, IMO, if the defrost engagement is disconnected. Potentially an expensive lesson since the de-humidification is beneficial; a double penalty. Figure that an A/C system is good for 6-8 years tops before complete system replacement is favored well above component replacement.
I really can't tell the difference between A/C and non-A/C use for FE. Today's compressors are efficient, and the CTD has power to spare. The old RV2 compressors were another matter. The Owners Manuals in those days recommended the compressor be engaged and run while above 30-mph for a good while at least monthly in cool weather. IIRC, the auto-defrost engagement of the A/C cooling showed up in the late 1960's/early 1970's.
We also got in the habit of running the heater in the "summer" in the same way. Seals, manifold doors, fluids all benefit.
Sure, there's got to be some maintenence benefit to rumming the compressor every so often. When I have my relay in place, it'll be really easy to turn it on every so often just to exercise it. In the mean time, I'll have to re-plug it in every so often.
As far as the defog option, I'm sure the AC benefits the defog somewhat, but I personally don't think it's a whole lot. My defog has been working just fine since I unplugged. Growing up in a fairly cool climate (nothern PA), must of the vehicles we had until the last 10 years or so we bought without AC. I never remember the defog being slow then. Until fairly recently, AC has been considered optional equiptment in much of the country (I would imagine that's not so you you in TX, slowmover), and defogger ran fine without it. BTW, we usually called it a "defroster" not a "defogger"--because that's what we needed it for.