Originally Posted by Daox
Buying a new car never makes sense from a cost perspective.
How true! I think if you plan on keeping your new car for 10+ years it may be more cost effective than purchasing a similar, but used car. Who keeps their cars for that long anyway?
Being a car guy (an ego-mechanical?), I have to realize that cars and motorcycles are my hobby. There are very few hobbies that make sense from a cost perspective. I might consider buying a leaf if it wasn't so ugly, regardless of whether it is cost effective or not. Actually, it definitely wouldn't be, as my wife and I only put about 12K miles/yr on our Matrix and I only put 2500 miles/yr on my ultra-short commute with my Volvo (the $h!t Brick). Even a cheap EV conversion makes little sense, cost-wise, but I am going to do it anyway!