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Old 01-03-2012, 06:31 PM   #7 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: southern, wv
Posts: 353

Johnny 5 - '81 Honda Cm400e
90 day: 42.86 mpg (US)

Da bike - '06 Honda Shadow Vlx deluxe
90 day: 59.47 mpg (US)
Thanks: 18
Thanked 8 Times in 5 Posts
4x4 or 2wd. I say maybe. My 4x4 v6 got really good mileage on the flat. The transmission is geared funny 5 speed auto with 2 overdrives. 1st will take u to 53 mph at 6500 rpm and 2 me will do 83 mph.
By 1600rpm it make 90% of it max torque It's not a peaky engine.

At around 60 mph I can get 25-26mpg here in the mountains then my wife drives it all city and the average drops. She's heavy footed. And 90% is all city/ town mileage

As for gearing 70 mph is about 2k rpm. If u get 4x4 get qt1. If u don't need 4 low.

I had the evic read close to 28mpg leaving wv at 650ft up to 3500 ft and back down. From Logan wv to myrtle beach sc. Got stopped for a long time in bumper to bumper beach traffic. Over two hours. Then a day in stop n got and got almost 26 mpg (hand calculated) on that tank.

Base larado has 245 70r17 . My x has 265 60 r 18 The 20's have 275

A drag coefficient of .37
U could prolly do a partial grill block and under tray since it all independent.

Last edited by taco; 01-03-2012 at 06:55 PM..
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