Originally Posted by COcyclist
Can you post a photo?
Here's one, but I think the landing was a little too agressive:
Here's one flown more conservatively.
Roy LoPresti was the guy responsible for the cleanup leading to the 201 (201 mph on 200 hp). His son (I assume) David seems to be doing similar stuff.
Mooney M20 Cowling Modification - LoPresti Speed Merchants
Yes, the solar racer designs are definitely driven by the need for lots of panels. I was thinking mainly in terms of leading edge. The leading edge of the Nuna could be fattened and rounded, but drag would go up, as long as there is little angle of attack change across the edge.
The HPVs are naturally more torpedo shaped, and the nose is then subject to the effects of cross winds. These shapes generate lift to the side in a crosswind. A rounded nose would permit this lift to develop over a wider range of crosswinds, whereas a vertically sharper edge would stall earlier. In this picture, there are both approaches.
There would be some crosswind (with an apparent wind angle of perhaps 12 degrees) where one shape would be producing lift and the other would have stalled. The lift, in either case, tends to blow the rider off course and increases both aero drag and tire drag.
The stall would be expected to produce more drag. Experience has shown, I guess, that the Varna shape works better overall.