Originally Posted by bondo
Your construction methodology looks good Sven7. Be sure to build it sound for there are alot of forces exerted on a truck cap going down the freeway at 70 miles per hour.
I am sure you and your father will be able to build a nice aerocap. The best part is getting it out on the road and testing it. I agree with BZP to use materials and methods you are familiar with which from the picture you posted you guys know what you are doing.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you and everyone else for a little input. That boat is not ours- just something I found online, though I'm confident I/we could put something together that would stand up to highway speeds (which are low with three on the tree). Look for the F100 aerocap thread- I'll update it when something useful gets accomplished.
I'm really glad to hear your project is moving forward! It's about time something like this comes to fruition and with the way people whine about fuel economy, it should be a strong seller with a little bit of advertising and word-of-mouth. Do you have a logo yet? If not, this designer would be proud to be of service (after this final semester's over, though!)