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Old 01-11-2012, 05:36 PM   #40 (permalink)
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no regrets

Originally Posted by 3-Wheeler View Post
Hi Aerohead,

Your argument about safety is well taken! This is something I think about as well in a well streamlined body shape.

However, anyone who rides a motorcycle is exactly in the same situation. I have a motorcycle license and have ridden motorcycles for years.

To add to this "safety" discussion, a man in a large SUV *thought* he was safe by virtue of this large vehicle, until a motorcycle coming the opposite way lost control, did a classic "high side", the motorcycle flipped high into the air, and went right through the SUV windshield, taking the roof off the SUV with predictable results to the driver.

Two months ago, I was on the way home and saw, what remained of a small compact car after a truck driver pulled out in front of the small car. The truck driver was shaken, but OK, and the small car driver, who hit the truck head-on was killed, even though air bags and such were involved in the new car.

Such is life! We have no guarantee's and yet I still ride a motorcycle and drive an extremely small Honda Insight. No, when it's my time, I will go peacefully with no regrets.

I am only slightly more concerned driving a narrow three wheel motorcycle on our roads.

I myself am okay with whatever transpires.I made it through combat and everything beyond that is overtime.
I'll be taking calculated risks and will have to be satisfied with what is.
If you're going for something like Matt Van Leeuwen's 'Sylph',this would be something I'd have no issues with.
'just want everyone to understand the risks they face.
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