Hi Ben! And also, I got pretty much all the details worked out now for an AC controller's driver and power section (including high voltage IGBT) based on cheap TO-247 packages. It's almost IDENTICAL to dc controller. Just have to group the packages into phases. Literally change just a couple lines of isolation and it changes from brushed DC to AC, and the drivers are the same. You just stack 2 driver boards and then a control board, rather than just a driver board and then control board. It's all done! Well, for high voltage like 300v, you would need something other than those bootleg Electrolytic caps. A single $100 film cap would be good enough for a small car. But you would need to be able to bend the copper like Adam did!:
What's this? A sheet metal bender thing in my room next to my son's toilet because there's no room in the garage? hahaha