Great Read and great workmanship!
You did your mods well, I would be willing to drive a car looking like that, but not the areocivic, just a little too extreme for me
i am hoping to clone quite a few of your front end and under mods on my 92 Camry with my baseline mpg of around 27 in the warm weather with my "gental normal driving" and hope to hit 40mpg with the addition of driving habbit changes which is a bit of a push since I drive at night a lot, so my mods also include LED lights.
For your running probs, you need some diag tests. Jump start the car, if it starts, the alt is dead (or battery mega crapped out), but if it don't start then I would look elsewhere such as checking for spark, listen for the fuel pump by putting your ear up to the rare piller and having someone cycle the key. You need 3 basic things to make the engine run, spark, compression, and air/fuel mix, pin point what one is failing and you cut out 2/3s the equation.
PS. I'm also located in Michigan, cold as hell tonight (about 7F in mid state was low 30s yesterday)
Also keep the photos comming, loving it.