Originally Posted by mans
According to what I have researched so far your figures would probably be closer to the 50w equivalent or a bit less depending how they designed the current limiting methods. Resisters = most inefficient method while constant current drivers are among the best. Just looking at it I would guess resister.
Quick and simple math, it appears to be basically 4 leds, 3 on the sides, and 1 direct out. So according to
LED series parallel array wizard ....
voltage: 13.8v
No. LEDs: 4
forward voltage: 3.2v (most whites are 3 to 4v)
The result would be a 2.2 ohm resistor that dissipates 496.375 mW or ~500mw wasted of 6w. In a car that isn't bad at all, house lighting is pretty bad compared to what is out there. Since about 5.5w is converted to light via the LEDs, I would say they would almost exactly match a 55w headlight bulb. Just remember the effects of cold vs natural vs warm lights and our perception of it, if I remember right, cold light looks brighter than warm so it would be a plus

I am assuming here TOTAL draw is about 6w, and that it is not 6W at the LEDs only not counting the resister(s).
Either case... 12w vs 110w = savings

and the LEDs are a great priced!
All in all, I would say try it and see, I know I'm going to be buying some! Thanks for the link share.
Looking at the expected life of 50k hours, I'm going to say that will not be a typical case, since 6w of leds should have (according to my past research) atleast 20 squre inches of AL to cool it. In other words, the life of them will be shorter if you go on long distant trips at night often, short distances and winter driving would allow them to last longer. LED life is directly related to quality and temp ran at. I would expect 10k hours out of them, which I would think would pay for its self in that time
