I have a 2011 Honda CBR250R. It is a fantastic riding fuel injected single and gets 87mpg stock on my 68mph commute. My 09 carbureted Ninja 250 with Zero Gravity sport touring windscreen can only manage 66mpg on the same trip. I never ride the Ninja anymore. My daughter has adopted it and loves it. They are a great riding and fun bike with full crosscountry capability but the high revving, canyon racer cams leave quite a bit to be desired in the fuel economy department. The Ninja is plentiful and cheap but aspiring hypermilers now have new alternatives to choose from to set the bar higher. Honda also offers a CBR125R in many markets (all except in the US?). Fuelly shows many riders getting 95 mpg, 2.48 liters / 100km, 40.4 km / liter on that bike in stock form and it still has a 75mph top speed and excellent highway wind and rain manners with the new body work unlike any 14 inch or smaller wheeled scooters. Honda Canada is currently giving these left over 2011 CBR125Rs away for $3100! Now if only I can figure out how to import one to the US I will have the ultimate highway hypermile machine to rack up big numbers on.
Honda CBR125R MPG Reports | Fuelly
Kawasaki Ninja 250R MPG Reports | Fuelly