I know I may get a free forklift motor if my local forklift company gets a unit in that they are going to scrap. But I have contacted a local guy here who has an ad on the VEVA website with some parts. He has two motors that interest me, both $350 CDN each.
One is a Prestolite. The tag says MVB 4001, but etched into the case is MVD 4001. It weighs 57 lbs, according the scale in one picture he sent me.

The other motor is an Advanced A00-4009. According to EV parts sites, they are 50 lbs.

Specs here:
Motor AMD 6.7" #A00-4009 36-72VDC 6HP Single Shaft
These are the sort of motors I was expecting to use, even though I know they are both tiny for a 2400 lb car. I am leaning towards the Advanced motor because it is used all the time in EV applications. With some forced cooling and short range (not running it long enough to heat up anyway), would it survive? Does anyone have experience with the Prestolite in abusing applications? Keep in mind that BUDGET is first on my requirements list.