Originally Posted by sawickm
Hi Adam,
Can RTD-explore be changed to work with Paul's new command updates?
Could the help function be moved to RTD-explore ? It would be wrong to see RTD-explore obsoleted. I think it is a plus having a real time data acquisition program for the open source ReVolt motor controllers.
The trend for the popular EV motor controllers on the market today is to have a graphics display interfaced to the controller to monitor and control it.
Well anything can be changed to work. But you change to work with the new controller and its possible to break it for an older controller.
The help function more belongs in RTD explorer then in the controller its self.
Also, without RTD telling the controller to re-enable the rtd stream, no logging can happen.
Currently, RTD-Explorer sends commands in between the 10 rtd updates each second. This way, you get real time data stream with logging while being able to send commands.