Originally Posted by Ryland
Having owned a CRX HF and many other Honda's while knowing people with TDI's, the CRX is going to spend a lot less time being repaired then a newer VW TDI, sure the diesel engine will last forever, as long as you replace the timing belt every 60,000 miles, but VW's were noted by consumer reports as having the highest maintenance cost and spending the most time at the repair shop.
I think unless you have your heart set on chopping the top that you would be better off focusing on the back of the car.
I agree with you about the annoying little BS things like windows that won't roll down, etc, but, I believe that those are more a function of time than mileage.
Perhaps the second gen CRX cabin is a nice enough place to spend countless hours. Having never driven one, I can't say for sure.
And I agree with you on the top chopping. Put those fab skills to work on a nice boat tail.