Originally Posted by Mr. Cheap
On the Caravan, I connected the wrong side of the injector due to an incorrect wiring diagram. I did actually observe a pulse when the injector turned on, but the guino would not measure the duty cycle correctly. I calibrated the fuel consumption to be reasonable, but the uS per gallon is incorrect.
What kind of readings did you see? At this point, I really don't know why my uS readings are so low. I set up a new screen so I could watch a few things from the other screens, including an average uS display (injHius/injPulses, in current trip). I'd said before that I'd see 36 pulses, and around 34000uS.. which would be less than 1ms per pulses, which as far as I know, isn't very likely. With my display I see an average of 975uS per pulse. That just has to be too low.
I just went out and tried tapping into the other injector wire, and got no pulses.. I was really hoping i'd just used the wrong wire..
I guess my status is: built, testing, accurate vss, accurate injection count, way off uS.